Suit Care Guide

For most men, buying a new suit is an investment and like most investments, you want to maximise your return. The following tips will help improve the life of your garment.
Hanging Your Garment
To keep your suit looking its best; take it out of your wardrobe and hang it in the bathroom while you shower. The steam will help any small creases fall out. This is a great tip to remember if you’re travelling!
Let it Rest
There are two ways to ruin a perfectly good suit; the first is by wearing it too often, the second is by cleaning it too often.
Just like shoes, belts & underwear, you should avoid wearing your suit two days in a row. The fibres need time to relax back into shape to perform their best.
Drycleaning Your Suit
Unlike your underwear, your suit doesn’t need to be cleaned every time you wear it. Dry-cleaning uses harsh chemicals that are harmful to your garment and the environment, so we recommend you dry-clean your suit twice a year.
Everyday Suit Care
In between times, you can also take care of your suit by doing the following:
Brushing: use a natural bristle clothes brush to remove any lint or small particles of dirt from your suit. This will help you avoid the need to have your suit drycleaned.
Airing: hanging your suit outside (but out of direct sunlight) will leave your suit fresh & free of any odour.
Spot cleaning: if you spill something on your suit your dry-cleaner should be able to clean that particular spot rather than having to dry-clean your whole suit.
Pressing: if your suit isn’t looking as sharp as it usually does then ask your dry-cleaner to press it for you, just make sure there aren’t any spills on it before you do or the pressing will set them in place.